Amesbury Carriage Museum

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Meet the Board - President Mary Chatigny

Each month we will introduce you to a member of our Board of Trustees. We asked each member to share a bit about his or her involvement with the museum and then for fun asked each member to name his or her favorite Amesbury spot. February is our for our fearless leader, Mary Chatigny. 

How did you become involved in the Amesbury Carriage Museum? 

Mary: I decided to join the Carriage Museum by invitation.  Former Carriage Museum President Ann Miles called me one day a couple of years ago and asked if I would consider joining the Board. I had completed my stint on the City Council a few months before and I was excited by the idea of joining an organization that was working directly on making the plans for the lower Millyard a reality.  I attended my first meeting in the Fall of 2012.  I helped during my first year with the development of the strategic plan that we are currently using and worked with the Board to establish goals for the upcoming two years  (as I write this I realize that we need to revisit the plan and update our goals!).   I am honored to have been elected as President of the Museum and feel blessed to work with such a dedicated Board of Directors.  The Museum takes many hands to function and it definitely is a collaborative effort.    Also, being able to be a part of the Carriage Alliance as we work to bring the Heritage Center building to life is thrilling.  I look with excitement to the day when we open the Heritage Center at 29 Water Street and welcome our first visitors.

How do you spend your free time?

Mary: In my free time I attend lots of cultural events my favorite being live concerts.  Music is a huge part of my life.  I can’t imagine how dreary my life would be without it.  When not attending concerts, I like to partake of the ballet, opera and movies.  I also am fortunate enough to have time to spend camping with my children and grandchildren as well as vacationing with my husband in various places around the USA.

What is your favorite spot in Amesbury?

Mary: My favorite spot in Amesbury has changed over time.  When my son was young it was the Town and Collins Street Parks.  I loved the little league baseball years and these parks brought me much enjoyment.   As time has passed I think I would say my favorite spot is now the Riverwalk.  It is a block behind my home and I thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to take walks with my dogs when the weather is nice.   I am looking so forward to the completion of the redevelopment of the lower mill yard.  I will be able to take the Riverwalk to the Carriage Museum and enjoy the park and look forward to kayaking on the river with my grandchildren.