Amesbury Carriage Museum

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Spring arrives at Heritage Park

This warm weather has us daydreaming about future lunch breaks in Heritage Park.  We can see the possibilities now ever more clearly with the snow and slush long gone.  Here is a look at the project up close.  In addition to the progress on the plantings and hardscape we were excited to see the new sign courtesy of Coastal Trails. Located just at the entrance of the park it documents the Salisbury Point Railroad and the station which is located just inside the park. 

From the bridge over the back river you can see even more progress. Work to remove the salt shed has begin and we've never been so happy to see a "Road Work Ahead" sign! 

Crossing over the bridge further along Water Street provided an exciting view of the progress by the back river.   The Heritage Center will include a special events space. The way this space is shaping up we can see it is going to be a popular spot for celebrations.  Who is going to be first couple to get married in this beautiful new space? We can't wait to find out!