Amesbury Carriage Museum

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The 3rd "Driving through History" is here!

Dear Friend of the Museum,

This 1907 Model M Cadillac and several other historic cars will be on view at Amesbury Chevrolet as part of the 3rd “Driving through History” event. Owned by Bill and Linda Lillie, the car has won several Best of Show awards at recent major car shows. Join us on Friday, September 24 for your own special viewing!

I am so pleased to share our recent news and some information about our upcoming programs.

Volunteer service is such an important part of the life of the community. We all volunteer in different ways - it is enriching and helpful. At the 36th Annual Meeting held last Monday, we said thank you to outgoing Board members - Maris DiTolla, Susan Koso and Courtney MacLachlan. Each were dedicated members and passionate supporters. The ACM has grown and improved because of their support and advocacy. We say "Many Thanks" to each of you for your service! (You can click here to watch the entire 36th Annual Meeting on the ACM YouTube channel.)

And we welcomed two new Board members - Pamela Fenner, and Lorna Condon both long-time residents of Amesbury. Pam and Lorna are joining the ACM at an exciting time as we open the Industrial History Center and greatly expand our educational programing. Welcome aboard! - here is to great things ahead for the ACM!

And if you are looking for some fun - please join us for the 3rd Driving through History social extravaganza and auction on Friday, September 24. This is our annual fundraising event that generates financial support for ACM educational programs. At the same time, the event is great fun. Our friends at Amesbury Chevrolet clear out their showroom, we bring in historic automobiles, and then we enjoy food, music and a live auction. Click here for more information - and read below for additional details.

There is much to celebrate - particularly as we approach the opening of the Industrial History Center. Thank you for your interest and your support. I hope to see you soon.

John Mayer, Executive Director

Here is some news!

Driving through History is Friday, September 24! In addition to the 1907 Model M Cadillac with its "mighty" 10 hp gas engine, we will have a 1911 Bailey Victoria Phaeton - an Amesbury-made electric car (!), and a 1910 Stanley Model 70 - steam-powered car. It will be a fun assemblage of different types of early automobiles. Also for the event - our friend John McInnis will auction a wonderful array of items and experiences, we'll enjoy the musical sounds of John Tavano, and there will be tasty food and beverages. Don't delay! - click here to get your ticket!

Amesbury Carriagetown Car Show is Saturday, September 25. The streets of downtown Amesbury will be filled with classic cars, and the bullnose in Market Square will feature some additional historic vehicles including an extremely rare 1903 Model J Grout - the works made in Orange, MA and the body made in Amesbury, an exquisite 1929 Hudson sedan, and an important sales truck, made ca. 1918 and used by the Hoyt Peanut Butter Company of Amesbury. The event is free and open to all from 9 am to 2 pm. Click here for more information.

Opening Soon! the Industrial History Center - Friday, October 15. Mark your calendar - and stay tuned for more information. Our GRAND OPENING is now planned for October 15. More news will be coming soon!

Curator's Choice - Salt Institute and Foxfire - the tradition of community studies. The guest speaker at our Annual Meeting, Isaac Kestenbaum, Director of the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies, shared an interesting history of Salt and the tradition and importance of community stories. Here is a link to the Salt Archives - providing a rich collection of documentary field work in Maine. Isaac referenced the Foxfire series - a similar project focused on Appalachian culture. All this - drawing on the tradition of folklife studies. Click here to explore the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. An invitation to get lost in the stories, music and more of our country. A great inspiration for all of us interested in collecting Amesbury stories!