Welcome Executive Director John Mayer!

We are thrilled to announce that John Mayer, formerly curator of the Maine Historical Society and Executive  Director of Manchester Historic Association, has accepted the position of Executive Director of the Amesbury Carriage Museum.  He will begin work on March 2. 

Mr. Mayer comes to Amesbury from the Maine Historical Society, where he served for 13 years as the curator of museum collections producing exhibits, managing collections and interpreting content for the public. Prior to working in Maine, he was curator for the Strawbery Banke Museum in Portsmouth, N.H.  Mayer earned his master’s degree in history and has a graduate certificate in museum studies from the University of Delaware. 

The Board of Directors was impressed by Mayer's experience in collection development, fundraising, community relations, exhibition design, public programs, his scholarly achievements and publications and his esteemed reputation in the field.

Mark your calendars for a meet and greet with John on Thursday, March 31 from 5 - 7 at the Noshery in Amesbury. More details on this event to follow. 

Until our building is complete Mr. Mayer's office will be in the Amesbury Chamber of Commerce. We hope you'll stop by and say hello! You can reach John via email at amesburycarriagemuseum@gmail.com. 

Welcome John! 

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