From the Director's Desk - January News

January 25, 2017
A Note from John Mayer, Executive Director

Welcome winter!

For many of us who work in nonprofits, this is the time of year for organizing such glamorous (but important!) things like budgets, business plans and a schedule of events for the coming year.  You will see below and in future newsletters that our program schedule for 2017 is coming together nicely.  We will build upon our successes of 2016 and offer even more events for the Amesbury community.

I am very pleased with the progress of the museum.  Little by little our organization is taking form, and there is much to look forward to in the coming years.

Calendar Plans for 2017

Over the next month or so, details will become set for the 2017 calendar of public programs and events. As our events are confirmed, we will be sending special announcements - so please keep an eye on your inbox. 

Here is a rough outline for the season:

  • At the end of March we will host a community open house "History on Tap",
  • In April we will present the second Bailey Family Lecture with a special guest speaker who will explore opportunities to build new community resources in Amesbury,
  • In May we will offer a second "Aperture on Amesbury" focused on historic buildings on Carriage Hill, and then a family-focused walking tour along the Powow River, 
  • June will bring Amesbury Days with a family workshop and a carriage display (and more!) at the car show, and
  • For the fall we will offer a second industrial tour of Amesbury and our Annual Meeting, with a guest speaker highlighting industrial history along the Merrimack.  

And of course, there will be more. The year is coming together.  Stay tuned.

A Highlight from the Collection of Historic Vehicles 

One of the most successful carriages made in Amesbury was the Bailey company's "Whalebone Road Wagon" made between 1897 and 1906.  Light weight, with "modern" rubber tires and metal spoked wheels the wagon sold for around $250.  This was one of the last carriages made by the Bailey Company.

The Carriage Museum purchased this vehicle in 1987, still in good original condition.

Look for more news about our collection during the year.  Thanks to the work of volunteer Museum Assistant, Berni Angelo, we plan to update our storage facility and complete a first-ever catalog of the entire collection. 

We Made It! - Thanks to you!

The 2016 Annual Appeal raised $5,590 dollars with gifts from 61 donors!  This was a great way to close our year and a successful end to our first-ever annual appeal. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

Coming in February

Our 2017 membership drive will begin next month. To all of you who are members, we'll be sending an invitation asking you to renew your membership.  And if you are not a member - why not join us?  Membership dues provide funds for our operations and build our base of support.  We are stronger with you!  For information about our membership program - visit

And as always, please do not hesitate to share your thoughts, comments or concerns.  I welcome your interest and feedback.

To all of you, here is to an exciting year in 2017!

John Mayer
Executive Director
(978) 834-5058

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