Museum News - Our Final 2019 Edition! We are Looking Forward to 2020!

Dear Friend of the Amesbury Carriage Museum,

This is the time of year when we close out our books and prepare for the year ahead. We'll make our final deposit tomorrow, prepare for the end of the year accounting, and begin working on our annual report. As those details come together, it is nice to acknowledge the many great things we accomplished in 2019.

Here is a very short list:

  • we settled into our new office, established a headquarters for our operations, and even created a research library

  • we developed plans for the Industrial History Center and secured our building permit

  • we have raised over $370,000 towards the IHC and soon will "go public" with our campaign

  • we presented our 2019 program series and watched our audience grow in numbers

  • our membership increased by 20% to 214

  • we established plans for ongoing school & youth programs

  • we held our first every fundraiser, Driving through History

  • we continued our research into Amesbury history

  • and more and more

We are closing out a great year and preparing for 2020. There truly are great things ahead. It is not too late to make a donation to the 2019 Annual Appeal. If you have not made a contribution - please consider making your donation today! Simply click here to make your gift.

Best to you all - and here is to a great year in 2020!

John Mayer, Executive Director

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