Museum News: Celebrating the People of Amesbury
Our e-newsletter, Museum News, offers monthly updates about current issues at the ACM.
In 2020
Needless to say, the year did not go according to plan. Thanks to generous supporters and a creative team of staff and volunteers, we survived and had a “good” year. Here’s what I mean:
We ended the year without a deficit. This was thanks to several grants, the PPP loan, gifts from several generous sponsors and the careful control of our expenses. As a result we have a reasonable financial base for our 2021 operating plans. A great relief!
Our members kept involved. We ended the year with 201 members – nearly the same number as in 2019 (213 members). In addition, 94 supporters contributed $11,500 to our annual fund. These yearly initiatives provide essential operating support and they create our community of members and supporters. You kept involved – thank you!
We launched Online Programs. We made “the pivot,” added Meryl Goldsmith as Curator of Online Programs, and with the great help of our staff and volunteer programming team, we developed new online and virtual programs. We are still exploring this technology and learning its benefits and challenges. Overall, I am pleased we have found a way to reach most of our audience.
Zoom! kept us connected. I estimate the ACM hosts around 8 zoom meetings a week. Ugh. At least Zoom provides a way to safely work together. Committees, workgroups, staff meetings, and more are hosted on Zoom. And most importantly – thanks to this technology, we have been able to maintain our unity and sense of purpose that is essential for a healthy organization.
In 2021
We are adopting a program theme for the year – Celebrating the People of Amesbury. Look for programs and events that are designed to highlight the people who are part of the fabric of our community – past and present. Here are a few examples:
Our 1st Tuesdays program in February will feature Graham McKay from Lowell’s Boat Shop. Here a crew is finishing a small boat at Lowell’s Boat Shop. (Image courtesy Lowell’s Boat Shop.)
Behind the Scenes with Greg Jardis and Amesbury Industrial Supply. Greg has a wonderful story to share about his business, Amesbury Industrial Supply. And he has created a partnership with the ACM and our Industrial History Center that will develop as our program begins. See the video by clicking here.
1st Tuesdays – Graham McKay and Lowell’s Boat Shop. On Tuesday, February 2 and 7 pm Graham will be our second presenter in this series organized to explore the stories of industry and worklife in Amesbury. Lowell’s boat shop has a fascinating history dating back to the 1790s. Visit the ACM Calendar for information about this program and additional events offered in the months ahead.
Community Stories Start Here – and look for new historical reports and programs that will highlight different people in Amesbury history. It is fun and interesting to learn these stories. We are working on a history of the brickmaker George Currier (1826- 1883), labor leader George McNeill (1837 – 1907), and mill agent and businessman Marquis De Lafayette Steere (1822 – 1906). I know there are more interesting histories to come.
Building our Organization in 2021
A member of the BLB Custom Building crew at work in the IHC. Trim and cabinetwork is being installed. Our space is taking form! (Image by John Mayer)
Our internal focus is on building and strengthening our operating structure. The Board and staff will be refining our business plan and improving our Board policies and procedures.
And in 2021 we will be opening the Industrial History Center! Our opening may be limited – or hopefully - more traditional and in-person. We just don’t know what the state of our world will be. One way or another, there will be a celebration. We are grateful to the many people who over the years have supported our vision to establish a museum and history center. We are nearly there!
Thank you! To each of you I say thanks. You are an essential part of the ACM whether you are a volunteer, an ACM member, a program presenter or participant, a sponsor, and many others. We would not be what we are today without you - the people who make us an organization. I am grateful for your interest, your support, and your participation!
Please keep in touch – and reach out with you questions and comments.
John Mayer, Executive Director