Some Holiday Happenings and Our New Shop!

Dear Friend of the Museum –

Good Wishes to You! from all of us at the Amesbury Carriage Museum. (Image courtesy of the Amesbury Public Library, Local History Collection.)

Best to you and yours for the season. It is definitely a time to celebrate - as best we can - all the good things in our lives, our accomplishments, and our families and friends.

2021 has been a remarkable year. At the ACM we are filled with tremendous gratitude for the support of our community. Together - our Board, our staff, our volunteers, our sponsors and you(!!) – have built something truly wonderful – the Industrial History Center. We are now open - and we thank you for all your support.

And during this giving season - along with the many other organizations you support - please consider a gift to our Annual Appeal. Your donation goes directly to our operating budget and supports the many programs and events we offer during the year. Click here if you would like to make a donation.

And for some fun, this Saturday, downtown Amesbury will be busy with the holiday parade (starting at 3:30 pm) and followed by the tree lighting in Market Square.

If you are downtown – please stop by the Industrial History Center. We are excited to offer several publications for sale! This is your chance to pick up some unique gifts for lovers of local history. The IHC is open noon to 4 pm Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Happy everything to you all! Here is to good things ahead.

John Mayer, Executive Director


Here are some additional notes -

The Holiday Parade - For more information about the Amesbury Holiday Parade - click here.

Publications for Sale - And for those interested in some local history publications - here are the books available at the Industrial History Center:

  • Amesbury, Mass. Carriage Center of the World. A reproduction of a souvenir pamphlet originally published for the 1893 World’s Colombian Exposition in Chicago.

  • Brief History of the Carriage Industry in Amesbury, Massachusetts – 1831 - 1927. Margaret S. Rice (1906 – 2002), published 1985.

  • The Automobile Bodybuilders of Amesbury, Massachusetts. K. (Kathleen L.) Doubleday (1931 – 2008), published 2006.

  • History of Amesbury Carriage Makers and Bailey Electric Automobile. Royal Feltner, self-published ca. 2015.

More information about these publications are available on the ACM website – here.

John MayerComment