Celebrating Labor 2021

Dear Friend of the Museum,

Making a carriage wheel is a highly-skilled part of carriage making. Here Amesbury wheelwrights pause for a photograph with some of the wheels they are building. (Courtesy Amesbury Public Library Local History Collection.)

Making a carriage wheel is a highly-skilled part of carriage making. Here Amesbury wheelwrights pause for a photograph with some of the wheels they are building. (Courtesy Amesbury Public Library Local History Collection.)

Whether in the bustling workplaces of today, or in the rumbling mills of the past, Amesbury’s workers have shaped our community. The mass and variety of things made in these places are from the hands of Amesbury workers. And our community is a reflection of this story.

It might be a finely-made carriage wheel, the high-quality textiles made in the mills, a brightly finished Stanley steamer automobile, or even a stand for the rights of labor. All of these “things” are part of Amesbury history and contribute to our reason to honor the Labor Day holiday today.

We celebrate these stories and the nobility of labor – then and now. Happy Labor Day 2021, and cheers to you all.

Please read below for some of the things we are working on for you!

John Mayer, Executive Director


Here are a few things for you –

The 36th Annual Meeting – there is still time to register! Our speaker, Isaac Kestenbaum, Director of the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies, will explore the power and potential of community studies and we will share a report about our museum plans.

The meeting will be at the Industrial History Center on Monday, September 13 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. We are limiting the size of our audience and following CDC guidelines for the safety of all. Here is a link to register.


Driving through History 2021 – join us for this fun, social event and fundraiser on Friday, September 24 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm. Our event will be at Amesbury Chevrolet and will include a live auction, music, food and vintage cars that will be part of Amesbury Car Show the next day.

Tickets and more information are available here.


A new Driving through History YouTube featuring Jeff Picard, vintage car owner, Amesbury car show volunteer, and all-around good guy. Click here to learn about Jeff’s passion for the Pontiac GTO and hear stories about two of his award-winning cars.

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