Museum News for January 2022

Dear Friend of the Museum –

In 2022 we will offer FREE membership to every student interested in joining the ACM. I know these students would approve! See below for information. (An Amesbury class photo, ca. 1900 - from the ACM collections.)

Welcome to 2022! From all of us at the ACM – we wish you a great year ahead. And like you – we are working to safely navigate the issues of COVID and find our way to a more normal routine. All of us are united in our fatigue from this challenge.

As we close out 2021, I want to acknowledge donors to the Annual Appeal. We have received over 100 gifts from our community – more than ever before. This funding rebuilds our operating reserve and provides some of the financial support needed for the year ahead. We are EXTREMELY grateful to you and say many thanks for your donations!

In addition, several businesses and individuals have come forward with sponsorship gifts to support programs in 2022. This support is amazing - and very important for our programs. If you would like to add you name to this list, information about the sponsorship program is available here.

Believe it or not, soon we will be launching the 2022 membership campaign! Membership is the best way to be part of the museum. Membership contributions are in addition to our other fundraising efforts. We use the annual calendar – January to December - for our membership period. Read below for some changes and additions to the membership program.

And finally, behind the scenes there is much work underway in developing our plans for 2022. With the Industrial History Center available for our programs, I hope you will be pleased with our work as the schedule takes form and becomes available for you.

Here is to a great year ahead. My thanks to you for being part of our ACM community.


John Mayer, Executive Director

Here is what is happening.

2022 Membership. Soon, we will be mailing our membership letters. You will notice for the first time in 6 years membership rates have increased (very slightly) for just two of our categories. At the same time, we are offering FREE membership to any student interested in joining the museum. Information about the membership program is available here.

1st Tuesdays – February 1 at 7 pm - Making Satinet – the First Woolen Fabric from our Mills. Historian and weaver Peggy Hart will join us on zoom to share a history of Satinet making – a textile made in Amesbury that used both wool and cotton. Click here to register for this free program. Throughout the year our programs will explore different aspects of textiles – with both historical programs and hands-on activities.

March opening – the Industrial History Center. The IHC is “dark” during the winter season as we prepare for 2022. We are developing new programs and new exhibits – together planned to bring history to life! Our new changing exhibit – opening in March - will spotlight the “people of the millyard” by exploring some of the personalities that shaped our industrial landscape. It is an interesting history!

Curator’s choice – I invite you to take a virtual trip to Amsterdam to explore The Night Watch – a 1642 painting by Rembrandt van Rijn in the collection of the Rijksmuseum. This important painting was recently conserved and thoroughly studied. One incredible aspect of the process is a 717 billion (!) pixel image of the painting – the largest digital image of an artwork ever made. Click here to zoom in and learn more. Very cool!
