From the Executive Director's Desk: ACM's 37th Annual Meeting
Robert Forrant, PhD, of UMass Lowell, challenges ACM annual meeting attendees to find and tell the human stories associated with Amesbury’s industrial history. (Photo by Meryl Goldsmith.)
Did you catch us at our 37th Annual Meeting at Ristorante Molise? If you missed us, it was an evening of good food and even better conversation. Robert Forrant, PhD, of UMass Lowell joined us to talk about the role of museums and historic sites in not just interpreting- but collecting history.
Many of the official histories we have for Amesbury tell the story of the mill owners, or pioneering inventors. But, as Dr. Forrant prompted us- where are the workers? Where are stories of day to day life in an Amesbury mill? Where are the letters to family about work struggles, or diary accounts of taking part in a strike? Where are the photos, scrapbooks, and records of the working man or woman?
As we embark on our Annual Appeal, we keep that question in mind. To tell the untold stories of community, labor, loss, love, struggle, and triumph, we must look around us, and dig deeper. Many of our projects and programs in 2023 will focus on finding the workers and telling the untold stories.
Will you help us find and tell these stories by contributing to the Annual Appeal? Your gift, in any amount, allows us to make these stories part of history.
Most sincerely,