Amesbury Carriage Museum

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A Change in the Works

Dear Friend of the Museum -

ACM Executive Director John Mayer at the grand opening of the Industrial History Center on October 15. Next to John is his mother-in-law, Betty Dyer, and his wife, Debora Mayer. (Photo by Frank Gurczak.)

At our January Board of Directors meeting I announced my plan to retire from my role as Executive Director of the ACM. I realize this is major news. There are a lot of reasons behind my decision, mostly I look forward to enjoying my personal interests and goofing off a little.

But please know, I am not leaving the ACM completely. I plan to serve as volunteer curator and support research and writing about Amesbury history. I have too many friends here, there is such joy in this work, and I want to continue to support the museum.

Along with the Board, I am working to make the transition to a new leader a positive and progressive change for the ACM. A search committee is in place, the position is listed on regional museum job sites, and we have a work plan in place so the new director can step into the position smoothly.

It's hard to believe that I've worked for the ACM for six years. During that time our museum has grown from a small volunteer organization into a substantial cultural resource for the region. We have built an amazing venue in the Industrial History Center, established a research library and administrative offices, cultivated a robust group of members and supporters, and created opportunities to do even more good work for our community. The future is as bright and exciting as ever.

There are so many people who have been part of my work, I do not know where or how to begin to say thank you for your support and interest. It has been a privledge and an honor to work with you all. Please reach out to me with any thoughts or questions. In the mean time, I am working away on a list of projects as we prepare for the opening of the IHC this spring. We are a busy and thriving organization.

I know we will have a chance to celebrate together soon. Here is to good things ahead for the ACM and for me too!


John Mayer, Executive Director

Official Retirement Announcement

One of my favorite views of Amesbury. Jon Almas made this image in 2020 as part of our study of the millyard.