Happy New Year!

We really appreciate all of our donors, visitors, and volunteers who helped make 2022 a great year for the museum. We can only provide quality programs, events, and exhibits with your support and we are very grateful for our ACM community.

To start off 2023, we have an exciting line up of programs for you. We are introducing our Winter Lecture Series at the Industrial History Center on a variety of topics. Read about these programs, one of which includes a trip to the Lowell Boat Shop, and register soon before they fill up.

We are also offering our 3rd annual ACM Book Club -- meeting once a month from February through June. We've chosen books on 18th century New England life that offer unique and interesting perspectives. The club is limited to 12 participants to promote full participation and lively discussion.

We thank you for your generosity and your interest. And, we wish you a happy and healthy new year!

Best regards,
ACM Staff and Board of Directors

Ron KlodenskiComment