It was Groundbreaking. Making History Fun.
Dear Friend of the Museum -
Our fully masked "crowd" inside the IHC at the September 24 groundbreaking event.(Photo by Frank Gurczak.)
With our groundbreaking event on September 24, we have launched the final phase of the campaign to build the Industrial History Center. Due to COVID protocols - our event was limited to just a few participants. Our friends at Amesbury Community TV provided on-the-scene coverage - their recording is available here.
Outside the IHC, Amesbury Mayor Kassandra Gove and ACM Past President Mary Chatigny provided wonderful comments about our project. Then the camera moved inside for a view of the construction. Over the years (and even decades) many people have worked hard and given much to help us reach this point. And now, we are truly on the verge of completing our history center.
It is a proud and humbling moment. I am grateful to everyone who is supporting this effort and part of our team. Click here to learn more about the Industrial History Center and perhaps help us with your donation.
Coming on October 17 is our virtual program - the Early Industries of Amesbury. For the past five years we have developed a program aimed at the regional community of industrial "archeologists". This year, we have added an interactive component aimed at families. And together - we are hoping for something fun and different. Read on below for more information or click here for information.
All together and in spite of the challenges brought on by COVID, we are building something special for Amesbury. It is groundbreaking - and hopefully fun and meaningful for you.
As always, I thank you for your interest and support. Please reach out with your thoughts and comments. Onward we go!
John Mayer, Executive Director
Here are more details for you -
The Early Industries of Amesbury, a virtual program on October 17 - For the past five years, we year we have developed a program that builds on our local history AND appeals to a regional audience interested in industrial history. Registration is now open - you can sign up for this free, online program with two components - a 10:30 am tour of the Powow River, and a 12:30 pm seminar with four, 10 minute presentations focused on early industries - sawmills, gristmills, oil mills and shipbuilding. It is an interesting and surprising story the sheds light on the very early history of Amesbury. I hope you will join us.
Family kits are available - learn about Sawmills or Gristmills. Our Youth & Family Committee have assembled interactive kits designed to engage elementary-aged students with fun stories and hands-on activities. Register by October 13 to reserve your kit - and visit here to see other educational resources that support them.
Volunteer Openings! - The Amesbury Carriage Museum is an evolving organization. We have added new Board members and created new committees to guide and manage our growth. We are looking for new volunteers who could help us as treasurer and as social media manager. Click here to see our posting.
Curator's Choice - Marble Machine by Wintergatan.
Wintergatan is a contemporary “folktronica” Swedish band that uses mechanical devices as part of their instrumentation. Click here to see a youtube clip of their composition - Marble Machine – featuring a musical device / instrument made with 2,000 marbles. I find this both hypnotic and fun. Can you imagine creating this?
Learn more by visiting the Wintergatan website.