Two Views from the IHC

Dear Friend of the Museum,

The Canopy! Nearly done! (Photo by John Mayer.) Click to enlarge.

The Canopy! Nearly done! (Photo by John Mayer.) Click to enlarge.

Progress continues. Although the rainy weather slowed our work a bit and it tamped down activity in the millyard this past Thursday evening. I know there is a bright side to all this rain. For sure we have made up a deficit in our regional ground water supply. You have to believe - brighter (and drier) days are ahead.

On site, the canopy is near completion. This is the final piece of our years-long construction project. If you have not been into the millyard recently, the view is remarkable.

With the canopy in place, we have a new and amazing perspective of the Industrial History Center and an amazing view into the millyard. As a neighbor commented – “the site has come alive.”

Of course, there is still work to do. Now we are turning our attention inside to the finishes, furnishings and exhibits. This will be the fun stuff that supports our program.

The finish line for our project is near and getting closer by each day. It is an exciting time for the museum.

Please reach out with any thoughts or questions. And (needless to say) we are still fundraising for our project. Your gift will move us forward in important ways.

Thank you for your interest and support.

John Mayer, Executive Director


The Canopy

The view above was taken on Friday, July 9. The frame and roof panels are in place. Flashing, sealing, and cleaning up remains. Then we will add lighting and signage.

The canopy provides cover for the entrance to the IHC. It is a thrill to stand on the plaza and enjoy the view into the millyard. We have made a dramatic addition to the millyard.


Thursday Programs

This is a view of a few of our visitors involved in coloring activities and games. In a way, this was the first public event at the IHC – an important beginning for great things to come!

This is a view of a few of our visitors involved in coloring activities and games. In a way, this was the first public event at the IHC – an important beginning for great things to come!

Every Thursday evening through August from 4:30 to 5:30 pm, there will be activities on site. This past week there were coloring activities and games organized by members of our Youth and Family Committee. This coming week, we will offer walking tours of the millyard.

And if the weather cooperates – stay around for events that begin at 6 pm in the amphitheater.

Curator’s Choice - Thank you Meryl Goldsmith! Meryl is finishing a year of work for the ACM as Curator of Online Programs. Meryl came on board in the midst of the pandemic and immediately provided the technical help needed to bring programs online and sustain our connection with you.

With the essential support of volunteer videographer / photographer Frank Gurczak, Meryl has built our Youtube channel. Click here to see the latest installment of our Behind the Scenes series of videos.

I am thrilled Meryl has agreed to help us with special projects. Stay tuned – there will be more good things to come!

Ron KlodenskiComment